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Everything you need to know about Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety is an unpleasant emotional state of uneasiness and distress. It is generally characterized by apprehension and worry. An anxiety disorder can have a devastating effect on the person. Most of the people go through this disease and end up in a depression. Some of the warning signals are: Intense fear or apprehension Restlessness Easily tired Disturbance sleep Weight and appetite disturbances Symptoms: Fatigue Dry Mouth Abdominal cramps Sleep disturbances and headaches Muscle tension and muscle aches Difficulty swallowing Trembling and feeling irritable Twitching Causes: The exact reason for the anxiety is still not known. Some of the researchers suggest that anxiety disorder is due to an imbalance of certain chemical that is present in the brain, these chemicals are known as neurotransmitter. Other causes of Anxiety disorder are: Many people have anxiety, when there is change in their life like: Starting new job, getting married, Having a child, breaking up with t