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Showing posts with the label Cancer -Patient education

Ovarian Cancer : Early signs and Treatment

Stomach Cancer : Causes and Treatment || Gastric Cancer

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

What are the symptoms of squamous cell cancer? SCC often occurs in areas exposed to UV radiation, such as the face, ears, and hands. However, it can also appear in the mouth, in the anal area, and on the genitals. In its early stages, SCC often presents itself as a scaly, reddish patch of skin. As it progresses, it can turn into a raised bump that continues to grow. The growth may also crust or bleed. In the mouth, this cancer will take on the appearance of a mouth ulcer or a white patch. In some cases, you’ll notice a new growth on a preexisting scar, mole, or birthmark. Any existing lesions or sores that aren’t healing can also indicate SCC. Make an appointment with your doctor or dermatologist right away if you notice any of these symptoms. Early diagnosis and treatment are critical for preventing complications.