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Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Even the most mild-mannered children have occasional outbursts of frustration and disobedience. But a persistent pattern of anger, defiance, and vindictiveness against authority figures could be a sign of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).

ODD is a behavioral disorder that results in defiance and anger against authority. It can affect a person’s work, school, and social life.

Symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder:

In children and adolescents

ODD most commonly affects children and adolescents. Symptoms of ODD include:

  • Frequent temper tantrums or episodes of anger
  • Refusal to comply with adult requests
  • Excessive arguing with adults and authority figures
  • Always questioning or actively disregarding rules
  • Behavior intended to upset, annoy, or anger others, especially authority figures
  • Blaming others for their own mistakes or misbehaviors
  • Being easily annoyed
  • Vindictiveness

None of these symptoms alone points to ODD. There needs to be a pattern of multiple symptoms occurring over a period of at least six months.

In adults

There is some overlap in ODD symptoms between children and adults. Symptoms in adults with ODD include:
  • Feeling angry at the world
  • Feeling misunderstood or disliked
  • Strong dislike for authority, including supervisors at work
  • Identifying as a rebel
  • Defending themselves vehemently and not being open to feedback
  • Blaming others for their own mistakes
The disorder is often difficult to diagnose in adults because many of the symptoms overlap with antisocial behaviors, substance abuse, and other disorders.

Causes of oppositional defiant disorder:

There is no proven cause of ODD, but there are theories that can help identify potential causes. It’s thought a combination of environmental, biological, and psychological factors cause ODD. For example, it’s more common in families with a history of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

One theory suggests ODD can begin to develop when children are toddlers, because children and adolescents with ODD show behaviors fairly typical of toddlers. This theory also suggests that the child or adolescent is struggling to become independent from parental or authority figures they were emotionally attached to.

It’s also possible that ODD develops as a result of learned behaviors, reflecting negative reinforcement methods some authority figures and parents use. This is especially true if the child uses bad behavior to get attention. In other cases, the child could adopt negative behaviors from a parent.

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